CHAPTER 1                            LESSON 6




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Perform the following calculations and round according to the proper significant figures.

1.         357.89 + 0.002 =



2.         17.95 + 32.42 + 50 =



3.         5.5 + 3.7 + 2.97 =



4.         84.675 - 3 =



5.         75 - 2.55 =



6.         10 - 9.9 =



7.         3.14 x 5.6=



8.         300 x 10.6=



9.         0.059 x 6.95=



10.       80 ÷ 0.675=



11.       0.003 ÷ 106=



12.       8.5  ÷ 0.356=



Express the following numbers in their equivalent standard notational form:  Note:  You will not be able to write the exponent in the box raised so you will need to follow this method.  You will use ^ to represent the raised exponent. 

Example:      3.25 x 103  you would type in 3.25 x 10^3     

                        8.25 x 10-5 you would type in 8.25 x 10^-5


13.       123,876.3 =


14.       1,236,840 =


15.       4.22 =


16.       0.000000000000211 =


17.       0.000238 =


18.       9.10 =

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